Tommy Ellis Death & Obituary: Brookhaven, PA Sv head wrestling coach dies following illness

Tommy Ellis Death & Obituary: The community is in mourning following the tragic passing of Tommy Ellis, the esteemed head wrestling coach of Sv High School and a dedicated community volunteer. Tommy Ellis succumbed to an illness on Sunday, June 30th, leaving behind a legacy of dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to his community and the sport he loved.

An Outpouring of Support (Community Mourns the Loss of Tommy Ellis)

In the days leading up to his passing, an outpouring of support and prayers flooded social media as friends, family, and community members rallied for Tommy. The heartfelt messages shared reflected the deep respect and love that so many held for him.

One touching post read:

“I’m asking all of my family and friends to please pray for my friend Tommy Ellis, Steph Ellis, and their family. Tommy is fighting for his life, and we need to come together and give him every bit of strength and prayer. ‘O’ God, of our friend who is ill, whom we now commend to Your compassionate regard. No healing is too hard if it be Your will. We therefore pray that You bless our friend with Your loving care, renew his strength, and heal what ails him in Your loving name. Amen.”

Brookhaven Babe Ruth Baseball also shared a heartfelt plea:

“Please pray for Brookhaven resident, Sv head wrestling coach, and community volunteer Tommy Ellis and his family! We need everyone to pray hard for Tommy, his family, his wrestling family, and friends!”

Community Messages of Hope

Jamie Lynn, another community member, expressed the urgency and depth of the community’s hope in a moving message:

“To all my friends, family, the Aston community, everyone and anyone. Even if you aren’t a religious person, I am asking ALL of you to lift my friends Tommy Ellis and Steph Ellis and the entire Ellis family up in prayer! Tommy is fighting for his life, and we need a miracle so please – pray, pray the hardest you have ever prayed.”

Jamie Lynn continued with a heartfelt prayer:

“Dear Lord, We come to you in a time of confusion and distress as unexpected circumstances arise. We seek your guidance and strength, asking for patience to endure and courage to persevere. Help us to remain strong in our faith and trust that you will provide a miracle in our time of need. We ask you to provide us with the resilience to carry on in the face of difficulty and to be reminded of your presence in our life. Remember your love and the power of your grace to help us through the darkness. We place our hope in you and the miracles that you can perform. Give us the strength to carry on and the wisdom to make the right decisions. Guide us with your loving hand and provide us with the courage to keep going no matter what. Let us be reminded of your love for us and your blessings that you bring. We thank you for your grace and mercy. Amen.”

A Lasting Legacy

Tommy Ellis’s dedication to the sport of wrestling and his community has left an indelible mark on the lives of many. His passing is a profound loss, and he will be remembered for his tireless efforts to inspire and uplift those around him.

As the Brookhaven community grieves, they also come together to celebrate the life of a man who gave so much of himself to others. The legacy of Tommy Ellis will undoubtedly live on in the hearts of those he touched, and his spirit will continue to inspire future generations.

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The community’s thoughts and prayers remain with the Ellis family during this incredibly difficult time. Tommy Ellis’s contributions to Brookhaven and the wrestling community will never be forgotten. His memory will be cherished, and his impact will be felt for years to come.