Quentin Ravenel Death & Obituary Charleston SC: Award winning producer & drummer Passed Away in deadly shooting

Quentin Ravenel Death & Obituary Charleston SC: Gary Brown, a respected Grading and Pipe Contractor at A.L. Grading Contractors, has passed away. His death was announced on Sunday, June 30, 2024, through social media posts. Gary was known for his bright spirit and the positive impact he had on everyone he met.

Gary Brown’s Life and Legacy

Gary Brown was born and raised in Commerce, Georgia, and graduated from Commerce High School. He continued his education at Shorter University, where he earned a Master of Business Administration. In his professional life, Gary was dedicated to his work at A.L. Grading Contractors, Inc.

Tributes and Remembrance

Gary’s friends and colleagues remember him as a remarkable individual. One tribute read:

“I am at a loss for words tonight. Gary Brown was a great one. I didn’t know him well until about a year ago, but he was one of the first to give me and my little business a chance. It’s been a pleasure getting to know him and working with him over the last year. Send out prayers for his family. RIP brother.”

A True Salt of the Earth

Gary was described as a true salt of the earth, whose presence illuminated every room he entered. His infectious positivity and genuine concern for others made people feel valued and uplifted in his presence. Gary’s vibrant spirit and warmth left a lasting impact on all who knew him.

ALso Read: Gary Brown Death & Obituary: A.L. Grading Contractors Grading and Pipe Contractor has Passed Away


Gary Brown’s passing is a profound loss to his family, friends, and colleagues. As we mourn his loss, we remember the joy and positivity he brought into our lives. Our deepest condolences go out to his family during this difficult time. Further details about his cause of death have not yet been released.