Portsmouth Couple Awaken To Find Car Damaged By Shooting

Portsmouth Couple Awaken To Find Car Damaged By Shooting: In another alarming incident, Portsmouth residents were jolted awake early Friday morning by the sound of gunfire near the intersection of Winchester Drive and Loudoun Avenue. While no injuries were reported, one family was left deeply shaken, and their vehicle was badly damaged. Jessica, a local resident, recounted how the shots pierced the early morning silence, prompting her and her husband to quickly check their surroundings. A few hours later, they discovered the chilling reality that one of those bullets had struck their car.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve heard shots in our neighborhood,” Jessica lamented, reflecting on the unsettling frequency of such incidents since they moved to the area in 2016. The incident unfolded around 2:30 a.m., and the couple initially reassured themselves that everyone seemed unharmed before going back to bed. However, the discovery of the damage was delayed until Jessica’s husband prepared to leave for work.

As he attempted to clear the frost from the windshield, he noticed an unexpected snag with the wiper blade. Upon closer inspection, he found a bullet hole in the rear window. “It was only when he went outside and noticed police cars and officers talking to neighbors that he realized the full extent of what had happened,” Jessica explained. According to her, law enforcement officials remained on the scene for an extended period, diligently collecting evidence and assessing the situation. When contacted for details regarding any potential suspects, Portsmouth Police have not yet provided further information.

This unsettling incident underscores the ongoing concerns of residents regarding neighborhood safety and the escalation of violence in the area. For Jessica and her family, this unexpected awakening serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of peace within their community. As investigations continue, residents remain vigilant, hoping for swift answers and measures to ensure incidents like this do not become the norm.