Incredible Survival: Missing Lukas McClish Found Alive After 10 Days In Santa Cruz Mountains

Lukas McClish’s Survival Journey: A Test of Resilience in the Santa Cruz Mountains

The Ordeal Begins

After a harrowing 10-day ordeal in the rugged Santa Cruz Mountains, Lukas McClish, a 34-year-old experienced hiker from Boulder Creek, has finally returned home. What began as a routine three-hour hike on June 11th quickly turned into a daunting survival situation. Recent wildfires had altered the terrain, causing McClish to lose track of familiar landmarks and exacerbating his disorientation.

The Search and Rescue Effort

Concern mounted when McClish failed to return for Father’s Day dinner on June 16th, triggering a widespread search operation involving multiple agencies. The Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office, Cal Fire, and local fire departments coordinated efforts, employing drones and ground teams to scour Big Basin State Park where McClish was last seen. After several days of intense searching, witnesses finally heard cries for help in a remote canyon, leading to McClish’s miraculous discovery on Thursday afternoon.

McClish’s Survival Story

McClish, recounting his journey, described how he managed to survive with minimal equipment—a pair of pants, hiking shoes, a hat, a flashlight, and a folding tool. Despite the lack of provisions, he sustained himself with a gallon of water daily until his body began to demand sustenance. His rescue was a testament to his resilience and the dedication of the search teams who tirelessly worked to bring him home.

Gratitude and Reflection

Expressing deep gratitude for his rescuers, McClish called the experience “humbling” and emotionally overwhelming. His family echoed these sentiments, thankful for the community’s support during the ordeal. Now safely reunited, McClish humorously remarked that he’s had enough hiking for the year, a sentiment shared by his relieved family.


For Lukas McClish and his loved ones, this experience serves as a powerful reminder of the challenges and resilience involved in wilderness survival. As they embrace their reunion and reflect on the ordeal, they are grateful for each other and the community that rallied behind them during their time of need.