Chloe Grady Missing NC: 15-year-old teen reportedly missing in Rowan County, North Carolina

Chloe Grady Missing NC: The community of Rowan County, North Carolina is on high alert as 15-year-old Chloe Grady has been reported missing for over 32 hours. Chloe was last seen near her home, and despite intensive search efforts by family, friends, and local authorities, there is still no sign of her.

Description of Chloe Grady

  • Age: 15 years old
  • Height: 5’5”
  • Weight: Approximately 140 lbs
  • Hair: Brown with highlights

Chloe’s family and friends describe her as a vibrant and caring teenager who loves to spend time with her friends and family. Her disappearance has left the community in shock and eager to assist in any way possible.

Chloe Grady Missing NC: Community Call to Action

We are urgently seeking the help of the entire community to aid in the search for Chloe. Every moment is crucial, and your participation can make a significant difference. Here are ways you can help:

Join the Search Efforts

A community-wide search is being organized, and volunteers are needed to cover as much ground as possible. Please join us at the designated meeting points to receive instructions and coordinate search efforts.

Check Your Property

Residents are urged to check their sheds, garages, and any other outer buildings for any signs of Chloe. Sometimes, children can seek shelter in unexpected places, and your diligence could be key to finding her.

Spread the Word

Share Chloe’s information on social media, community boards, and any local sites that could help spread awareness. The more people who know about her disappearance, the higher the chances of locating her quickly.

Authorities Involved

The local police have been notified and are actively involved in the search. They are conducting investigations and following up on any leads that come in. Your cooperation with the police and any information you can provide, no matter how small, could be crucial in their efforts.

How You Can Help

If you have any information about Chloe’s whereabouts or have seen anything unusual, please contact the Rowan County Police Department immediately. Your prompt action can help bring Chloe back safely.

Social Media Appeal

Use the hashtag #FindChloeGrady to share information and updates. Let’s unite as a community and bring Chloe back to her family.

ALso Read: Christopher Missing: Vehicle linked to missing children case spanning Ontario and Manitoba found in Sask. park


Chloe’s safety is our top priority, and we are committed to doing everything possible to bring her home. Please join us in our efforts to find Chloe Grady. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you for your support and vigilance.